I had another appointment with my Naturopath / Chiropractor on the day following my appointment with Dr. B. I was eager to share with him my excitement over finding a doctor that treated his patients the more natural way, using Armour and nutrition to heal them - not chemicals and radiation. What a refreshing change! He was also someone who finally understood the thyroid more than I did. I was tiring of educating my doctors on my condition. I basically needed them to prescribe drugs and order labs up unto this point.
I enthusiastically shared that Dr. B had eased my fears of using Armour thyroid with a diagnosis of cancer. My ND still was not on the same page with me but by this point I had gotten to a comfort level with myself. It was me who was risking my health - whatever it was and if it really was real. Dr. B has used Armour Thyroid with other Thyroid Cancer patients and had not seen any issues. I think the key is keeping the entire body in balance, free of toxins and strengthening the immune system.
My Final Post ..... The Ending of a Journey
It is a very strange feeling to be writing this post. It will be the last update that I post to this blog. The blog itself will remain up ...
It is a very strange feeling to be writing this post. It will be the last update that I post to this blog. The blog itself will remain up ...
You would think that the milestone of 10 years would send me into celebration of the life I have been able to lead since my diagnosis of thy...
On May 18, 2000 I met with the radiologist to receive the RAI for the preliminary scan to determine the ablation dose. I was given 1.8 mCi’s...