Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thyroid Cancer - Beginning Chelation, 3rd Appt w/ Dr. B & DMPS Challenge

Within about 2 weeks post removal I was feeling so tired and felt like I needed to think about chelating. I had been reading and researching what people used and how it was done. It seemed to be such a topic of controversy. So I placed a call to Dr. B and asked him. I explained that my joints ached, my brain was foggy and I just overall felt lousy. He agreed to let me start the chelation process. He told me that he would send me a few items to start taking.

When the box arrived from his office there were quite a few things in it. Included was a bottle of Heavy Detox (combination of DMSA and Selenium). I was to take 2 of these before bed. I also received chlorella. I took 2 of these per day. There was a bottle of liquid cilantro. I had to add these to hot water and drink it once a day. All of these were supposed to facilitate the detoxification of the heavy metals in my body. I continued to do this protocol until I had my next appointment in July with Dr. B.

On July 13th I had my 3rd appointment with Dr. B. I went to this appointment feeling amazingly well! I was on 4 grains of Armour, supporting my adrenals and chelating. Life was good. I had also lost 20 lbs. It was amazing. I had struggled with my weight for so many years and once my amalgams were removed the weight came off without trying. I was able to easily work out for 45 minutes everyday without major fatigue. Dr. B was very pleased with the progress I had made. He recommended that I do a DMPS Challenge test to determine the mercury load on my body. I winced as he spoke. I had read about the horror stories of others that had done this test and suffered neurological damage. When I questioned him on this he stated that they have literally done it on thousands of patients in the practice. After a bit of discussion I hesitantly agreed. I was taken to another room and given the injection of DMPS. I was then given a collection container and told to collect my urine for 6 hours. When completed it I was to put a sample in a smaller cup and ship it to the lab for analysis.

So I began the 2 ½ hour trek home. I didn’t do well after the injection. I left Dr. B’s office and went to Whole Foods Market to do some shopping as I normally do when I visit the east side of the state. When I reached the parking lot, I placed the groceries in the back of the van and slid into the driver’s seat. It was at this point that I was hit with a panic attack. I felt anxious about driving home and wished that I was already there. I didn’t know how I was going to deal with driving alone the entire distance. After a few minutes I was able to collect myself and start on my way again. I had to mentally “talk myself down” through the entire drive home. I stopped a few times with my collection bottle in hand to catch my urine for analysis. Oh the things I do to gather information. It’s a good thing that we don’t always know what our life holds for us.

The following morning and the next as well I woke up experiencing extreme anxiety. I had to mentally talk myself into getting up and out of bed. Once up I struggled with my emotions and would find myself in tears easily. I met my ND at the farmers market on Saturday morning (3 days after the DMPS injection) and told him how I was feeling. He said that it was quite common and that I should take some Metagenics Serenegan and also some Chloroclear to help. I took this for the next few days and it did improve my panic / anxiety symptoms

My Final Post ..... The Ending of a Journey

It is a very strange feeling to be writing this post.  It will be the last update that I post to this blog.  The blog itself will remain up ...